IDEAspark Cantabria 2019


Next steps

What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?

  1. Finalize set-up of our pilot plant with a production capacity of 500 kg·year-1 of ulva biomass.
  2. Identify 5 potential clients with whom to: (a) test the feasibility of incorporating ulvan into their products; (b) define the regulatory framework we will need to comply with their needs.
  3. Submit an application to the September H2020 SME Phase 1 call.

What is your time line (6 mo)?  List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.

  1. Finalize set-up pilot plant: (a) September 2019 first trials of hydrodynamics, salinity ASM, nutrient formulations and dosifications achieved. First batches of Ulva obtained. (b) December 2019: first sample products to be distributed/tested with potential clients.
  2. Identify 5 potential clients: August 2019: list 5 potential clients and compile all relevant regulations. September-December: contact potential clients.
  3. September 2019. Application to SME submitted.