IDEAspark Cantabria 2019


Next steps


What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?

  1. We will have a new regulatory policy, select who are doing?, how do it?, what are do?
  2. Technology. Complete humanized antibody
  3. Pitch and documents for first roundtable investors

What is your time line (6 mo)?  List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.

  1. Three months for regulatory police

  2. Six months for humanized antibodies

  3. Three months for investors documents


What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?

  1. We need to establish our policy to reach regulatory requirements (What and how to do)
  2. To humanize our mAb.
  3. Pitch and documents for first roundtable investors.

What is your time line (6 mo)?  List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.

  1. For goal 1, 3 months

  2. For goal 2, 6 months

  3. For goal 3, 3 months