Next steps
What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?
- We will have a new regulatory policy, select who are doing?, how do it?, what are do?
- Technology. Complete humanized antibody
- Pitch and documents for first roundtable investors
What is your time line (6 mo)? List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.
Three months for regulatory police
Six months for humanized antibodies
Three months for investors documents
What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?
- We need to establish our policy to reach regulatory requirements (What and how to do)
- To humanize our mAb.
- Pitch and documents for first roundtable investors.
What is your time line (6 mo)? List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.
For goal 1, 3 months
For goal 2, 6 months
For goal 3, 3 months
What are the key assumptions you have identified? (List at least 3).
- Antibody action will have the same action mode than mouses
- Antibody will not have toxicity (humans)
- IP will completely accept
- We rise up the amount for address the project
- New treatment for psoriasis
What are the key assumptions you have identified? (List at least 3).
- Necessity of new treatments for psoriasis
- The humanized mAb will have the same effects that the murine one.
- Absence of Toxicity of the humanized mAb
- We will complete regulatory requirements.
- Our Patent will be accepted
- We will find all financial support to reach phase I

Psoriasis patients reluctant to current treatments need a diferent aproach to inmunosupresant therapy. Bambi will be a new therapeutic target antibody based in a new metabolism route
A significant number of psoriatic patients do not respond properly to existing therapies.
We have identified BAMBI as a new key molecule involved in disease and its inhibition with our anti-BAMBI mAb blocks disease in animals.
We plan to humanize this mAb and explore its therapeutic effect un clinical trials with humans.
As I mentioned in my presentation, I'm a scientist coming from academia without a previous experience in business. Then, my perception of our project was very far from the perception that I have now. I learned that communication, focussing is essential to increase the value of our project.
I clarify the momento of Inhibitec project.
Focus the project.
Focus the pitch
We spend three days, we do a task of three months.
Very intensive. Very useful.