IDEAspark Cantabria 2019

Precision Medicine in Oncology

Next steps


What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?

      1. I will sign a Convertible note. For that purpose:
        1.1 On September I will have all the materials prepared (Presentation and all documentation, clear added valued, new strategies related to what we have learned in MIT (and we will keep learning)) and the Investors identified (List)
        1.2  On september I will start with Investor Meetings
      2. Market
        2.1 Contract with Hospital Niño Jesús (200 DECODER pediatric/year)
        2.2 Contract with INCan (600 exomes/year)
        2.3 Close a Deal with Sanitas
        2.4 Start sales with Hospital Fuenlabrada, Madrid
        2.5 Start testing with other Hospital (MD Anderson, CUN, other)
      3. I will close the MOH for the JV with Pharma Rubio (Mexico) with clear Cost strategy and Transfer Knowledge Fi
      4. I will have the Documentation prepared for submitting a Grant  (Madrid Innovation, Horizon 20/20, explore in Boston- Cambridge) for the Proyect SPIRAL+AI with IBM, Pharma, Universities and Hospitals.

    What is your time line (6 mo)?  List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.

    1.1 Investors Material and Investors List: 3 months
    1.2 Meetings: from 6 to 9 month
    1.3 Convertible note: from 6 to 9 months

    2.1 Contract with Niño Jesús: 2 months
    2.2 Contract with INCan (México): 2 months
    2.3 Close a deal with Sanitas: 6 months
    2.4 Start Sales with Hospital Fuenlabrada, Madrid: 4 months
    2.5 Start testing with other Hospital for new sales: 5 months

    3. Close MOH with JV Pharma Rubio: 6 months

    4. Documentation prepared for Grant to develop SPIRAL + AI: 5 months (and Proyect in Stage 5. Proof of Value)


    What are your specific (measurable) short term (6 mo) goals?

    - I will sign 2 contract sales (700K/year)
    - I will sign a Joint Venture with Sanitas (Bupa group)
    - I will do 2 publications submitted
    - I will get the CE IVD for Decoder Platform

    What is your time line (6 mo)?  List specific dates by which you aim to complete goals and sub-goals.

    Goal 1: CE IVD, June 2019 Submitted to the AEMPS
    Goal 2: 2 contract sales, September 2019
    Goal 3: Joint Venture with Sanitas (Bupa group). July 2019
    Goal 4: 2 publications in by November 2019